Your search returned 981 results.

May 25, 2021

Eleventh Circuit Opinion Provides Insight into the Reach of Third-Party Title VII Retaliation Claims

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit recently issued an opinion concerning the Title VII retaliation protections afforded to third parties.

May 14, 2021

Montana Makes Significant Changes to State Employment Laws

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte recently signed three bills that make significant changes to Montana’s Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act, Human Rights Act, and Wage Protection Act.

Littler Report
May 12, 2021

The Littler Annual Employer Survey 2021

Littler’s ninth annual survey – completed by nearly 1,200 in-house lawyers, C-suite executives and HR professionals – provides a window into important issues impacting the workplace and employers’ strategies for addressing them.

Littler Report
May 12, 2021

Social and Political Issues and the Workplace – Implications for Employers

Over the past year, employers have had to grapple with seismic social, cultural, and political developments impacting profoundly how they do business.

May 6, 2021

Dutch employers: take action against sexual harassment!

In the Netherlands, employers are liable for harm suffered by employees during their work. This can include psychological damage due to sexual harassment.

May 3, 2021

Hitting the Ground Running: The First 100 Days of the Biden Administration, and Key Takeaways for Employers

In September 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden promised that, if elected, he would be the “strongest labor president you’ve ever had.” In his first 100 days in office, now President Biden has acted quickly and aggressively to make good on this pledge.

May 3, 2021

New York City Executive Order Imposes Sexual Harassment Reporting Requirements on Organizations that Contract with City Agencies

By Adriana Foreman New York City Executive Order 64 (the “Order”) imposes new sexual harassment reporting requirements on organizations that contract with New York City agencies for “human services.”

April 2, 2021

Recreational Marijuana Use Away from Work Now Protected in New York

On March 31, 2021, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the New York Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act legalizing the recreational use of marijuana products by adults.

April 1, 2021

Federal Court Applies FAA Preemption in Refusing to Enforce New Jersey’s Ban on Mandatory Arbitration of Discrimination, Retaliation and Harassment Claims

As employers and employees alike continue to monitor and watch the landscape of alternative dispute resolution as a viable option (or not) in New Jersey, an important federal court decision was recently handed down.

April 1, 2021

‘Cause We’re Still Living – At Appropriate Distance – in a World of Fools (Spanning the Globe Because You Still Can’t)

Easing out of hibernation this year, we divert attention from harrowing events purely on the domestic front by shining a light on odd employment and legal stories worldwide, plus Alabama.
