Your search returned 291 results.

December 11, 2014

New Year, New Laws: Compliance Challenges U.S. Employers Face in 2015

Although this year's labor- and employment-related legislative activity was down slightly from that

October 3, 2014

Gubernatorial Writer's Cramp: 2014 California Employment Legislation Affecting Private Sector Employers

Does his hand hurt?  Between signing and vetoing bills this year, California Governor Jerry Brown exercised

September 5, 2014

Washington Supreme Court Decision May Spur Joint Employer Class Actions

In a matter of first impression, the Washington Supreme Court has held that the "joint employer doctrine"

March 6, 2014

Illinois High Court Affirms Viability of Construction Industry Classification Law

The Illinois Supreme Court recently rejected a constitutional challenge by a roofing contractor who alleged

Littler Report
February 21, 2013

The 2012 Global Employer: Highlights of Littler's Fifth Annual Global Employer Institute

In November 2012, Littler Mendelson conducted its Fifth Annual Global Employer Institute (GEI) in Washington,

December 20, 2012

A New Year Brings New Compliance Obligations for Employers

As 2012 winds to a close, a look back at legal developments demonstrates that federal and state legislatures

November 30, 2012

Mexico Enacts Important Reforms to the Federal Labor Law

Mexico's Federal Official Gazette today published a Decree that reforms and repeals various provisions

October 2, 2012

What's New? California's Major 2012 Employment Laws Affecting Private Sector Employers

The members of the California State Senate and Assembly introduced 1,899 bills this year, and the legislature
