Marking the occasion of the 200 millionth COVID-19 vaccine shot administered, President Joe Biden called on employers to provide paid time off to employees to get vaccinated and touted the federal government’s tax credit for certain employers that do so.
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey recently signed Senate Bill 1377 after a push from Republican legislators to limit civil liability exposure for “Good Samaritans” who have worked to protect and provide for Arizonans during the COVID-19 health crisis.
On April 1, 2021, the New York Department of Health (NY DOH) issued an update to its prior guidance for health care personnel on returning to work following COVID-19 exposure.
Just about a year ago, in the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic activity in many sectors went from red hot to nearly frozen, seemingly overnight. The hospitality industry was particularly hard hit, as business and leisure travel evaporated.
With COVID-19 vaccines becoming more accessible throughout the United States, but vaccination opportunities often limited to “business” hours, employers are experiencing an increase in requests for time off from work to obtain a vaccine.
Philadelphia has imposed significant new recall and retention obligations on hotel, airport hospitality, and event center businesses as they struggle to recover in this uncertain COVID-19 economy.
Kimberly Doud and Nancy Johnson discuss the impact of state actions on employers in Florida and provide tips on what employers can do now in light of these actions.
Vaccine passports—standardized credentials showing proof of vaccination—are gaining momentum in some states as a means of returning to normalcy and allowing businesses to open fully to those who prove they have been inoculated against COVID-19.
On March 29, 2021, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania enacted Bill # 210122-A, an ordinance immediately requiring covered employers to provide 2021 Public Health Emergency Leave.