Your search returned 2801 results.

September 16, 2009

IRS to Launch Employment Taxes Audit of 5,000 Employers – Is Your Company Ready?

The Internal Revenue Services (IRS) has announced that beginning in November 2009 it will launch its

September 11, 2009

Illinois Amends State Equal Pay Act to Extend Filing Periods and Adopt Ledbetter Paycheck Standard

Illinois recently amended its Equal Pay Act of 2003 (EPA) to make it easier for employees to complain

September 9, 2009

By Raising Existing Penalty Levels, Extending Liability and Shifting Burdens of Proof, New York Increases the Stakes for Wage and Hour Violators

Responding to claims that increased wage recovery efforts have resulted in more cases of retaliation

September 8, 2009

The Retirement Group, Inc. v. Galante: A Lesson in Avoidable Consequences

The Court of Appeal for the Fourth District of California recently issued its opinion in The Retirement

September 8, 2009

Federal Contractors: Be Aware of New E-Verify Requirements in Contracts

With numerous appeals filed, monitoring the evolving developments regarding the implementation of Executive

September 4, 2009

New York Amends Its State Human Rights Law to Protect Domestic Violence Victims from Employment Discrimination

Each year approximately 400,000 cases of domestic incidents are reported to law enforcement authorities

September 4, 2009

Whether a Manufacturing Process is a Trade Secret Must Be Considered in the Aggregate

Six years after the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit held that compilations of information

September 3, 2009

DLSE Agrees California' Partial-Week Furlough Options Are Coextensive With Federal Law

As the old cliché goes, “better late than never.” This applies to an important new opinion letter

September 3, 2009

Ninth Circuit Issues Its First Ruling Setting Forth the Elements for Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Claims

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,1 ("Sarbanes-Oxley" or "SOX") protects employees of publicly traded companies
