Under current federal law, employers may legally require workers to attend meetings during working hours that concern the employer’s views on politics, religion and similar matters.
The new law is scheduled to take effect immediately and is aimed at prohibiting employers from discharging or disciplining employees who refuse to attend mandatory employer-sponsored meetings.
Different leave eligibility requirements and qualifying circumstances can tangle up even the most experienced HR professionals and leave administrators.
Starting one year from the date of enactment, July 31, 2025, any employer with 25 or more employees within Massachusetts will be required to disclose the pay range for any job posting.
The new rule is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on August 1, taking effect 60 days later on September 30, 2024. The Final Rule will apply to petitions filed after September 30, 2024.
Littler’s Anna Curry Gualano is joined by her father, Ashley Curry, to discuss their advocacy work in Alabama to update the traditional accessibility symbol to one that is more inclusive and empowering.
On July 23, 2024, Pennsylvania enacted the Fair Contracting for Health Care Practitioners Act, which bans certain noncompete covenants, including patient nonsolicitation provisions, between an employer and health care practitioner.
On July 24, 2024, California’s Department of Industrial Relations announced that the Indoor Heat Illness Prevention regulation, which the Cal/OSHA Standards Board unanimously approved on June 20, 2024, would take effect immediately.
After years of litigation, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 22, a voter-approved law allowing app-based drivers to work as independent contractors.