Your search returned 795 results.

March 24, 2023

Dutch Supreme Court Finds On-Demand Deliverers Are Not Self-employed

The Dutch Supreme Court has just ruled that Deliveroo meal deliverers are not self-employed, but rather “regular” employees.

March 22, 2023

Dutch Supreme Court Holds Secondment Provisions May Be Invoked When a Secondment Worker Calls in Sick

The Dutch Supreme Court has definitively resolved the question of whether an employment contract between a secondment agency and a secondment worker may end with immediate effect under the “secondment provisions” if the secondment worker falls ill.

March 2, 2023

Germany: Optimizing Severance Pay to Finance Early Retirement

Little known and therefore little used in Germany is the option of providing pension contributions instead of severance pay.

February 23, 2023

UK Government Issues New Draft Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement

In late January 2023, the UK Government published a draft Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement.

February 23, 2023

Business and Human Rights for Small Companies – What is the Impact of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act on the Supplier Side?

The new German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act imposes new obligations on larger companies, which must, among other things, check their entire supply chain for violations of human rights and environmental concerns.

February 22, 2023

German Federal Labor Court on Equal Pay: Negotiating Skills Are no Justification for Unequal Pay

On February 16, 2023, the German Federal Labor Court issued another important decision on equal pay, stating, among other things, whether and how unequal pay can be justified by way of exception.

February 14, 2023

Making Redundancies in the UK

This Insight highlights some of the legal and practical issues to consider when making reductions in force in the UK.

February 9, 2023

French Court Finds Gig Platform Workers Are Independent Contractors, Not Employees

A recent decision issued in France indicates that whether a gig worker is an independent contractor or employee is a fact-specific inquiry.

January 30, 2023

UK: New Year’s Data Privacy Resolutions

As we celebrate a new year, many HR/legal professionals in the UK will be thinking of areas that might need a bit of a refresh, and data privacy may be one of those.

January 27, 2023

UK Visa Waiting Times Are Reduced as Priority Services Are Reinstated for Family Members

Great news for anyone moving to the UK as priority services have been resumed for family and partner visas to the UK. Standard family visa processing times are also set to reduce from the current six months.
