Your search returned 2129 results.

June 28, 2012

Tercerización Bajo la Nueva Ley Laboral Venezolana

La reciente reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Trabajo de Venezuela impacta a los empleadores locales y

June 28, 2012

Outsourcing Under the New Venezuelan Labor Law

The recent amendments to Venezuela's Organic Labor Law impact local and multinational employers in

June 15, 2012

Mexico Enacts New Federal Anti-Corruption in Public Contracts Law

Mexico's new federal Anti-Corruption in Public Contracts Law (the "Anti-Corruption Law") became effective

June 13, 2012

Mexico's New Federal Anti-Corruption in Public Contracts Law

Mexico's new federal Anti-Corruption in Public Contracts Law (the "Anti-Corruption Law") became effective

June 13, 2012

Nueva Ley Federal Anticorrupción en Contrataciones Públicas

La nueva Ley Federal Anticorrupción en Contrataciones Públicas (la "Ley Anticorrupción"), entró en

June 12, 2012

Substantial Banker Bonus Claim Upheld

The High Court has upheld a claim by 104 investment bankers for unpaid bonuses totalling EUR 52 million

May 24, 2012

To Get Ahead, Employees Are Expected to Get Abroad

The Wall Street Journal reports that foreign postings have become a prerequisite - not merely a preference

February 16, 2012

China: "Naked" Resignations Gaining Popularity

The "naked" resignation - quitting without having new employment lined up - is a growing trend in China,

Littler Report
February 15, 2012

The 2011 Global Employer: Highlights of Littler's Fourth Annual Global Employer Institute

Littler Mendelson recently conducted its Fourth Annual Global Employer Institute (GEI) in Washington,

February 14, 2012

Another Unexpected Surprise for International Assignees: Section 457A (No, Not 409A!) of the U.S. Tax Code

By now, most lawyers advising international companies on compensation packages for expatriates that include
