A recent case shows that a company’s pro-military/veteran position, policies, and programs can help establish a defense to USERRA claims alleging anti-military bias.
A new decision provides guidance on when an administrative body’s statutorily permitted review of its past decision will be considered the “continuing effect” of a previous act of discrimination rather than a new and discrete act of discrimination.
The 2024 presidential election was like no other in modern history, and it is clear that across a range of measures the American electorate remains dramatically polarized.
Menopause awareness continues to be a growing focus for employers in the UK. In light of World Menopause Day 2024, we wanted to provide a recap on the developments and updates that have been made in the space this year.
At least five circuit courts have held that when “the alleged discrimination is against a member of the majority”1 (referred to as “reverse discrimination”), Title VII claims must be supported by evidence of “background circumstances.”