El 15 de junio del 2016, el Consejo Nacional de Salarios aprobó un aumento al salario mínimo de 0.5%, correspondiente al segundo semestre del 2016 para los empleados del sector privado, excepto para las trabajadoras domésticas cuyo aumento es de 2%.
Effective July 1, 2017, Costa Rica’s National Wages Council (“Consejo Nacional de Salarios”) approved a 0.5% increase to the minimum wage for all private sector employees, except for domestic workers whose salaries will be increased by 2%.
Littler's Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report details key labor, employment, and benefits news and events at the federal, state, local, and global levels.
Although on May 18, 2016, the DOL issued its final rule revising the "white collar" overtime exemptions, it remains to be seen if and when the rule will apply to employees in Puerto Rico.
El 17 de mayo de 2016, el Diario Oficial de la Federación publicó una reforma a los Lineamientos para trámites y procedimientos migratorios, la cual permitirá a los residentes de Colombia, Chile y Perú internarse a México para fines de turismo y negocios
On May 17, 2016, the Mexican government announced amendments to the country's immigration regulations, allowing residents of Colombia, Chile and Peru to be admitted into Mexico for tourism or business purposes without a visa.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto recently presented to the Senate a bill that would amend several sections of the Mexican Constitution, representing a significant reform to the Federal Labor Law.
El pasado 28 de abril del año en curso, el presidente de Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, envió al Senado de la República una iniciativa para enmendar varios artículos de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos ( en adelante “Constitución”)
This month's edition of WPI's Insider Report includes articles on the Administration's push to finalize rules before the November elections, legislative and litigation steps to thwart those efforts, and state bills and ordinances that have advanced.