Your search returned 2113 results.

October 14, 2015

California Laws Are Being Used to Advance Human Rights Claims Based on Global Supply Chain Activities

Recent class actions have claimed that companies have violated California consumer fraud and unfair competition laws resulting from alleged forced labor in their global supply chains.

October 7, 2015

What Does the European Court of Justice's Invalidation of the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework Mean For U.S.-Based Multinational Employers?

The European Union Court of Justice has issued a landmark decision that will dramatically affect thousands of U.S. companies that transfer personal data from the EU to the United States.

September 29, 2015

European Court of Justice Expands the Definition of Working Time

The European Court of Justice recently issued a decision regarding the paid working time of certain mobile employees that will have a significant impact on companies with employees in the European Union.

September 16, 2015

In Canada, Foreign Workers Seek to Use International Norms as the Standard of Care in Negligence Claims Against Multinationals Operating Overseas

Non-Canadian workers are increasingly suing their employers in Canadian courts for human rights violations allegedly committed outside Canada by the companies themselves or by other entities in their supply chains.

September 9, 2015

The Advent of Privately Developed Corporate Human Rights Reporting Frameworks

The United Nations' adoption in 2011 of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights signified a growing consensus that corporate entities have a responsibility to account for their operations' impact on human rights.

August 10, 2015

Australia: Federal Court Clarifies Rate Employers Must Pay for Untaken Annual Leave on Termination

A full federal court bench in Australia recently confirmed that employers must pay out employees’ accrued but untaken annual leave upon termination at the rate the employees would have received had they taken the leave while employed.

August 4, 2015

House Bill Would Require Public Disclosure of Company Policies to Combat Supply Chain Trafficking

New legislation would require that publicly traded companies more broadly and specifically disclose their policies and efforts aimed at ridding their supply chains of slavery and human trafficking.

July 14, 2015

United Kingdom: New Law to Combat Supply Chain Slavery and Human Trafficking

The United Kingdom recently enacted the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the first law in Europe aimed at eliminating modern slavery and human trafficking from supply chains.

July 10, 2015

Brazil: Amid Great Recession, Government Issues Executive Order to Stave Off Unemployment and Reduce Labor Costs

On July 6, 2015, the Brazilian government issued an Executive Order called Program to Protect the Employment to slow down the rise of unemployment and the deepening of the recession.

July 9, 2015

Australia: Government Seeks to Redefine Parameters of Paid Parental Leave Entitlements to Prevent Employee "Double-Dipping"

Australia's federal government recently introduced the Fairer Paid Parental Leave Bill 2015, which would redefine the parameters of paid parental leave entitlements.
