En Gaceta Oficial N° 41.070, de fecha 9 de enero de 2017, fue publicado el aumento del cincuenta por ciento (50%) sobre el salario mínimo mensual para los trabajadores que presten servicio en los sectores público y privado.
The January edition of the Insider Report reviews what federal agencies accomplished in the final weeks of 2016, discusses state and municipal laws that advanced in December, and previews what the 115th Congress has in store for 2017.
El 5 de diciembre de 2016, el Ministerio del Trabajo de Venezuela publicó la Resolución N° 10.002 que garantiza una protección especial contra despidos en beneficio de los trabajadores que integran los Consejos Productivos de Trabajadores.
On December 5, 2016, the Venezuelan Ministry of Labor published Resolution N° 10.002, which guarantees a special protection against dismissal for workers who are members of a Productive Workers’ Council (known as “CPT,” for its acronym in Spanish).
On November 29, 2016, France’s National Assembly adopted the text of a bill that, if enacted, would create new due diligence obligations for large French companies regarding their subsidiaries’ and supply chain members’ labor practices.
This edition of the Insider Report discusses efforts to block controversial regulations, highlights state and local ballot initiatives that succeeded on Election Day, and explains how the Trump Administration will attempt to “repeal and replace” the ACA.
On October 31, 2016, Costa Rica’s National Wages Council approved a proposal to change the formula and timeframe of wage increases for employees in the private sector.
The November edition turns a spotlight on recent developments in the gig economy, discusses notable state and municipal bills and ordinances that advanced in October, and highlights federal agency activity in the weeks leading up to Election Day.