The West Virginia Legislature recently passed two bills that dramatically change the landscape of West Virginia’s laws on medical marijuana use and employee drug testing.
New Mexico recently became the 48th state to enact a data breach notification law, while Virginia took the lead in expanding its law to address the recent explosion of W-2 phishing scams, and Tennessee once again amended its breach notification statute.
Federal government contractors are now required to provide annual privacy training for employees who have access to a system of records, handle personally identifiable information, or design, develop, maintain or operate a system of records.
HR and payroll professionals nationwide have been, and will continue to be, targeted with e-mails apparently sent by a senior executive but actually sent by scammers who ask for a prompt reply with the 2016 W-2s for all of the organization’s employees.
I saw one of my employees on the local news the other night participating in a political rally. We try to maintain a tension-free workplace. Can I discipline him for this conduct, or institute a policy prohibiting this kind of behavior?
Two recent EEOC lawsuits alleging disability discrimination underscore the importance of engaging in an interactive process with job applicants and employees and providing reasonable accommodations to those taking prescription drugs for medical conditions