Your search returned 207 results.

August 28, 2018

DOL Issues Six New Opinion Letters and Establishes a New Office of Compliance Initiatives

The DOL has issued six new opinion letters addressing various matters under the federal FLSA and FMLA, and announced the formation of an Office of Compliance Initiatives to strengthen employer compliance assistance.

August 8, 2018

Refusing to Serve the Alt-Right: Recommendations for DC Area Businesses Hoping to Exclude Hate Group Members from Entry

With the growth of the Alt-Right and other hate groups, business owners face increased challenges to uphold values of diversity, ensure employee and customer safety, and protect their brand from association with customers’ possible bigotry.

July 3, 2018

The Regular Rate Riddle in the Massachusetts "Grand Bargain" Legislation

The new Massachusetts “grand bargain” legislation gradually phases out the requirement that retailers pay time-and-a-half for work on Sundays or certain holidays. However, this phase-out has a hidden complication.

June 29, 2018

Massachusetts Increases Minimum Wage, Eliminates Premium Pay For Sunday Work, And Enacts New Paid Leave Program

On June 28, 2018, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker executed legislation that makes sweeping changes to Massachusetts law.

November 14, 2017

New York State Jumps on the Predictive Scheduling Bandwagon and Issues Proposed Scheduling Rules

On the eve of the November 26, 2017 effective date of New York City’s own predictive scheduling regulations that affect retail and fast food employers, the New York State Department of Labor has issued proposed predictive scheduling regulations.

October 25, 2017

The DCA Has Issued Proposed Rules for the New York City Fair Workweek’s Predictive Scheduling Laws

On October 16, 2017, New York City’s Department of Consumer Affairs promulgated rules that further expand upon New York City’s Fair Workweek Law.

October 4, 2017

The Current State of Meal and Rest Break Law in Washington State

This article summarizes certain aspects of the current Washington State law of meal and rest breaks, taking into account the latest appellate ruling on the topic.

September 18, 2017

Who Could Have Predicted? Fair Scheduling Requirements Pose Compliance Challenges for Retail, Restaurant and Other Employers

Predictive or fair scheduling requirements, which have been adopted in six major jurisdictions to date, are threatening to rival paid sick leave in breadth and complexity.

August 14, 2017

New Oregon Law Imposes Scheduling and Working Hours Obligations on Employers

A new Oregon statute will require certain large employers to provide their Oregon employees with advance notice of their work schedules. The notice period will initially be 7 days starting next year before increasing to 14 days in 2020.

May 22, 2017

Travel Agencies Hail Proposed Legislation Providing Overtime Exemption, But Employment Bills in General Face Uphill Battle

Last week Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL) introduced a bill that would remove travel agents from the Department of Labor's list of workers that cannot qualify for the Fair Labor Standards Act's overtime exemption for retail workers.
