The EU's General Data Protection Regulation, while designed primarily to update current law to address the digital economy, will impact every aspect of the employment relationship, including the processing of payroll for all employees located in the EU.
French President Emmanuel Macron's boldest mission, reforming France's nearly untouchable labor laws, received mixed reviews as his plans went public late last week.
La STPS anunció la creación de un sistema en línea para medir y monitorear el cumplimiento de los patrones de las normas que regulan las condiciones generales de trabajo, capacitación y adiestramiento, y seguridad e higiene en el centro de trabajo.
Mexico’s Labor Department has created an online system to measure and monitor employers’ compliance with the laws regulating the working conditions, training, safety and health in the workplace.
This Report addresses how a U.S.-based multinational can expand or improve its EEO (discrimination, harassment, diversity, affirmative action) initiatives outside the United States, regionally or around the world.
On August 10, 2017, the Puerto Rico Secretary of Labor and Human Resources issued and made effective the Uniform Guidelines for the Self-Assessment of Equal Pay in the Workplace.
In Merrifield v. The Attorney General of Canada et al., the Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently reconfirmed the existence of the standalone tort of harassment.
On July 25, 2017, Law No. 9343, known as the “Labor Procedure Reform” (LPR), became effective. By amending 348 articles of the Labor Code, the LPR overhauls nearly half of the country’s labor and employment laws.
What are the legal and human resources ramifications of transmitting untranslated English-only employee communications across a multinational's cross-border operations?