Your search returned 2615 results.

September 21, 2011

Bill Would Abolish the National Labor Relations Board

The same week the House passed legislation limiting the National Labor Relations Board’s enforcement

September 21, 2011

Bill Would Allow Employees to Automatically Enroll in IRAs

Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) have reintroduced legislation that would establish

September 19, 2011

EBSA to Re-Issue Proposed Rule Re-Defining "Fiduciary" Under ERISA

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has decided to re-propose

September 16, 2011

EBSA Provides Interim Guidance on Electronic Fee Disclosures

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has issued an interim policy

September 15, 2011

IRS Provides Updated Guidance on the Use of Employer-Provided Cell Phones

On September 14, 2011, the IRS issued updated guidance (pdf) on the tax treatment of employer-provided

September 15, 2011

House Passes Bill Curbing NLRB's Authority

As expected, the House of Representatives voted 238-186 in favor of a bill that would prevent the National

September 15, 2011

NLRB Releases Employee Rights Poster Under New Rule

The National Labor Relations Board has made available for download a copy of the Employee Rights poster

September 14, 2011

American Jobs Act Includes Several Provisions that Would Impact Employers

President Obama has formally released a draft of his jobs bill to Congress for consideration. As discussed

September 12, 2011

OSHA's 2011 Site-Specific Targeting Program Will Affect More Employers

High-hazard, non-construction employers with 20 or more employees will be subject to inspections under

September 12, 2011

Bill Would Expand USERRA Rights to Veterans on Service-Related Medical Leave

On September 9, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) reintroduced the Wounded Veteran Job Security Act (H.R. 2875),
