Your search returned 2779 results.

June 25, 2013

Too Little, Too Late: The Supreme Court Adopts But-For Causation for Title VII Retaliation Claims

On June 24, 2013, in University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, 570 U.S. ___ (2013),

June 24, 2013

New Connecticut Law Restricts the Use of Non-Compete Agreements in Acquisitions and Mergers

On the final day of the most recent Connecticut legislative session, the General Assembly passed a bill

June 22, 2013

Connecticut Adds Burdensome Requirements to Personnel File Statutes

Connecticut has added several burdensome obligations to state statutes that give employees the right

June 21, 2013

Oregon Passes Workplace Protection Law for Unpaid Interns

Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber on June 13, 2013 signed into law a bill extending employment discrimination

June 21, 2013

Tenth Circuit Adopts a Broad View of What Constitutes Protected Activity Under Sarbanes-Oxley

In a recent decision,1 the Tenth Circuit approved the Department Of Labor Administrative Review Board’s

June 20, 2013

Supreme Court Holds Federal Law Preempts State Law Allowing Litigation Over Proceeds of Federal Life Insurance Policy

Recently, in Hillman v. Maretta,1 the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed a Virginia Supreme

June 20, 2013

Supreme Court's Amex Decision Creates High Hurdle for Plaintiffs Seeking to Invalidate Arbitration Agreements with Class Action Waivers

In American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant, No. 12-133 (June 20, 2013), the U.S. Supreme Court

June 20, 2013

Seattle Adopts Ordinance Limiting Inquiries Into and Use of Criminal Records for Employment Purposes

Effective November 1, 2013, Seattle, Washington will join various other jurisdictions (most recently

June 12, 2013

Minnesota Legislature Modifies Whistleblower Statute

On May 24, 2013, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton signed into law a bill that the plaintiff's bar is

June 12, 2013

Narrow Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Arbitrator's Decision that Parties' Agreement Permits Class Arbitration

In Oxford Health Plans LLC v. Sutter, the United States Supreme Court was asked to determine "whether
