Your search returned 234 results.

May 13, 2015

Federal Court Limits Employer's Right to Discover Information About the EEOC’s Own Hiring Policies and Expands the EEOC’s Rights on Discoverability

In recent years, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has aggressively sought to…

Littler Report
January 5, 2015

Annual Report on EEOC Developments - Fiscal Year 2014

When noteworthy cases are decided or rules issued involving federal anti-discrimination law, Littler

December 17, 2014

San Francisco's OLSE Issues "FAQs" On Fair Chance Ordinance

Starting on August 13, 2014, employers doing business in the City of San Francisco, California have had

December 11, 2014

New Year, New Laws: Compliance Challenges U.S. Employers Face in 2015

Although this year's labor- and employment-related legislative activity was down slightly from that

December 2, 2014

Four New Laws Within 40 Miles: The Washington, DC Area Accelerates the "Ban-the-Box" Movement

Update: Washington, DC's Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act of 2014 went into effect on

November 7, 2014

The Old (Law) is New Again: Plaintiffs Increasingly Using Old Pennsylvania Law to Challenge Background Check Decisions

In a climate of increased national scrutiny regarding employer use of criminal background screening,

October 3, 2014

Gubernatorial Writer's Cramp: 2014 California Employment Legislation Affecting Private Sector Employers

Does his hand hurt?  Between signing and vetoing bills this year, California Governor Jerry Brown exercised
