This article addresses how a multinational employer’s electronic information systems can comply, worldwide, with old legal rules that presuppose HR documents on paper.
The Hong Kong legislature is currently considering draft legislation which, if enacted, will require certain companies—including those incorporated outside of Hong Kong—to publish a “slavery and human trafficking statement.”
The Government of Canada has announced that its proposed data breach notification requirements pursuant to the Digital Privacy Act will take effect on November 1, 2018.
El 14 de febrero de 2018 se aprobó la Ley 7 que prohíbe el acoso sexual, el hostigamiento, el racismo y las prácticas discriminatorias en todos los ámbitos, incluyendo el lugar de trabajo y las instituciones educativas.
On February 14, 2018, Law 7, which prohibits sexual harassment, mobbing (bullying), racism and discriminatory practices in all environments, took effect. Employers must be in full compliance under the new law by May 16, 2018.