On November 3, 2020, Florida voters approved Amendment 2, which will amend Florida’s constitution to gradually increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by the year 2026.
Arizona 2020 voters decidedly adopted Proposition 207 – The Smart and Safe Arizona Act – which legalizes the possession and use of marijuana by adults age 21 and over for recreational or non-medicinal use.
As employers continue to grapple with the ever-changing legal landscape of COVID-era regulations, 2021 will bring changes to the traditional realm of employment law in dozens of jurisdictions.
NJ Public Question 1 on this year’s election ballot sought voters’ approval for a constitutional amendment to legalize the possession and use of marijuana for individuals age 21 and older, as well as the cultivation, processing and sale of marijuana.
Less than a year after the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect, California’s electorate approved a ballot measure that will substantially expand the privacy obligations the CCPA imposes on employers.
While payment of benefits under Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave Act will not start before January 2022, important employer obligations take effect in less than two months.
In October 2020, both Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and the City of Pittsburgh passed Creating a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair (CROWN) Acts.
Of the over 100 different ballot initiatives under consideration across the United States in the recent election, California’s Proposition 22 stands alone.
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing released FAQs providing limited guidance to employers as to how to comply with their obligations for filing employee compensation data with the state under the recently enacted SB 973.
Beginning November 5, 2020, all employers operating in New Jersey will be required to comply with a number of COVID-19-related mandatory health and safety standards.