Your search returned 212 results.

December 20, 2018

Littler’s European Executive Employer Survey: What Issues Cause HR Heartburn in Europe?

A roundtable discussion concerning what HR issues are top of mind for European employers.

December 18, 2018

The Incredible Shrinking Woman’s Earnings: The Gap is Bigger Than We Thought!

In this podcast, Littler Principal Cindy-Ann Thomas and Littler Shareholder Yvette Gatling examine issues surrounding the gender wage gap.

December 12, 2018

App-roaching the Bench: Providing Legal Services Through Technology

Scott Rechtschaffen, Kevin Mulcahy and Cornell students reflect on how law firms and tech companies are bridging the law-technology gap.

December 3, 2018

A Cooperative Dialogue about NYC’s New Cooperative Dialogue Law – and More!

This episode covers New York City’s New Cooperative Dialogue Law and other workplace regulations.

November 28, 2018

Embrace or Rage Against the Machine? The HR Costs and Benefits of Automation

In this podcast, Littler attorneys discuss how automation is creating opportunities and posing challenges in the world of HR and employment law.

October 29, 2018

Do New California Restrictions on Confidentiality Provisions Tie Employer Hands on Releases and Other Employee Contracts?

A discussion of major upcoming changes to California laws governing employee release and confidentiality agreements.

October 9, 2018

New York Anti-Sexual Harassment Requirements Take Full Effect

In this podcast, Littler attorneys Devjani Mishra and Emily Haigh help employers operating in New York State and City navigate these new requirements.

August 21, 2018

New and Already Improved! California Clarifies Its Salary History Ban

Bruce Sarchet and Corinn Jackson discuss recently-adopted amendments to the California salary history ban.

August 9, 2018

Spotlight on Positive Employee Relations Training: How Employers Can Reap the Benefits of Employee Engagement

A discussion of the importance of cultivating “employee engagement” to foster a productive, invested workforce.

June 20, 2018

Investigations in the #MeToo Environment: The Importance of Planning Before A Harassment Complaint

Jennifer Youpa and Kevin O’Neill discuss the need for employers to plan various investigatory protocols well ahead of any complaints.
