Your search returned 4023 results.

February 8, 2021

Employers in Puerto Rico Must Adopt Workplace Harassment Protocols by August 2, 2021: Five Things Employers Should Know

On February 3, 2021, the Puerto Rico Department of Labor (PR DOL) published the Guidelines on Workplace Harassment in Puerto Rico’s Private Sector.

February 5, 2021

H-1B Cap Selection Process Update – DHS Postpones Effective Date of Final Rule

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will delay the effective date of a rule issued two weeks prior to the end of the Trump administration that seeks to change how H-1B “specialty occupation” visa applications are processed.

February 4, 2021

Santa Rosa, California Extends and Amends its Emergency Paid Sick Leave Ordinance

On February 2, 2021, the Santa Rosa, California City Council voted to extend and make changes to its emergency paid sick leave (EPSL) ordinance that had expired at the end of 2020.

February 4, 2021

Candid COVID Conversations: Vaccines Part 2 - Incentives

A discussion about COVID-19 vaccines and the use of incentive plans as a tool to encourage employees to vaccinate.

February 4, 2021

Michigan Alters its Worker Quarantine Requirements Related to COVID-19

Likely in response to the recent changes in the CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19, Governor Whitmer signed Senate Bill 1258 into law, modifying COVID-19 worker quarantine requirements.

February 3, 2021

California DFEH on Track to Collect Pay Data Reports by March 31, 2021

On February 1, 2021, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing posted guidance to facilitate the submission of the newly required pay data report by March 31, 2021 and annually thereafter.

February 2, 2021

Candid COVID Conversations: Vaccines Part 1

A discussion of how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting Florida workforces, and the issues employers need to start confronting with respect to vaccinations.

February 1, 2021

Recall Rights and Retention Obligations: How Local Ordinances are Changing Workplace Regulation in the COVID-19 Era

A new spate of “right of recall” laws requires certain employers to rehire laid-off workers when their businesses resume or reopen and dictates the criteria used to recall those workers.

February 1, 2021

DOL Ends Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID) Program for Employers

The U.S. Department of Labor has announced the immediate termination of its Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID) program.

January 29, 2021

Seattle Implements Hazard Pay for Grocery Employees

On January 25, 2021, the Seattle City Council unanimously passed an ordinance requiring hazard pay for certain grocery business employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
