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February 22, 2023

German Federal Labor Court on Equal Pay: Negotiating Skills Are no Justification for Unequal Pay

On February 16, 2023, the German Federal Labor Court issued another important decision on equal pay, stating, among other things, whether and how unequal pay can be justified by way of exception.

February 16, 2023

Illinois Equal Pay Certification: A Practical Guide for Employer Compliance

The Illinois Department of Labor recently published final regulations governing the new requirements for employers to comply with the Illinois Equal Pay Act Amendments signed into law by Governor Pritzker on March 23 and June 25, 2021.

February 13, 2023

DHS Announces Process Enhancements for Supporting Labor Enforcement Investigations

DHS has announced a centralized process whereby undocumented workers who are victims of, or witnesses to, violations of labor rights can access a streamlined and expedited deferred action request process.

February 13, 2023

#MeToo Update: The Adult Survivors Act for New York Employers

New York State’s Adult Survivors Act amends the state’s statute of limitations for civil claims alleging certain sexual offenses—which may include any unwanted sexual contact in the workplace—committed against individuals age 18 or older.

February 9, 2023

Minnesota Enacts the CROWN Act Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Natural Hair

Minnesota has now joined at least 19 other states in enacting a CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair.”

January 31, 2023

Littler Lightbulb – January Employment Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment and labor law developments at the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts of appeal in the last month.

January 30, 2023

Employers in Brazil with Internal Health and Safety Committees Must Implement New Sexual Harassment Prevention Measures

Is your subsidiary in Brazil required to have an Internal Committee for the Prevention of Accidents? If so, you have until March 20, 2023, to update your program to include sexual harassment prevention measures.

January 20, 2023

Settled a Lawsuit with a Government Agency Last Year? Form 1098-F Reporting of Fines and Penalties is Coming Due

As part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Congress enacted IRC §6050X, which requires government agencies (and certain nongovernmental regulatory agencies) to issue information returns to payors of fines and penalties to the government.

January 19, 2023

IE&D Hot Topics for Employers: Looking Back at 2022 and Preparing for 2023

In the past few years, the global trend towards prioritizing inclusion, equity, and diversity (IE&D) has inspired and challenged employers in every industry.

January 17, 2023

Minnesota Expected to Pass CROWN Act Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Natural Hair

Minnesota is poised to join at least 19 other states in enacting a CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair.”
