The Puerto Rico DOL has issued a last-minute administrative determination allowing employers to submit their quarterly unemployment returns corresponding to the first quarter of 2019 on paper instead of electronically.
The British Columbia Court of Appeal recently affirmed that it continues to be bound by the existing legal test for adverse discrimination on the ground of “family status.”
Suspending an employee during a workplace investigation is sometimes necessary. But before an employer decides to suspend a U.K. employee, it should consider several factors to reduce the risk of potential claims of forced resignation.
In a work session held on April 3, 2019, the Labor & Social Welfare Commission of Mexico’s House of Representatives issued the last draft of the decree to reform the Federal Labor Law. This article summarizes key provisions of the proposed reform.
En sesión sostenida el 3 de abril del presente año, la Comisión de Trabajo y Previsión Social de la Cámara de Diputados emitió la última versión del proyecto de decreto que reforma la Ley Federal del Trabajo.