Your search returned 1627 results.

December 21, 2009

State Minimum Wages in 2010

The federal minimum wage remains unchanged at $7.25/hr. However, various states will either increase

December 8, 2009

Pharmaceutical Sales Reps Qualify for FLSA "Outside Salespeople" Exemption According to Federal Court in Arizona

In Christopher v. SmithKline Beecham,1 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 108992 (D. Ariz. Nov. 20, 2009), a federal

December 8, 2009

Termination for Good Faith but Mistaken Belief of Overtime Entitlement Violates Public Policy

In Barbosa v. IMPCO Technologies, Inc., the California Court of Appeals for the Fourth District held

December 1, 2009

Employers Beware: DOL Investigation and Enforcement Increasing by 33 Percent

Employers beware! This is the message emanating loud and clear from the Obama Administration's Department

December 1, 2009

California Supreme Court Holds It Is Safe to Render Legal Advice Again

The California Supreme Court has held in Costco Wholesale Corporation v. Superior Court of Los Angeles

November 11, 2009

The Contractual Basis of Incentive Compensation Re-Emphasized: Restricted Stock in Lieu of Cash Wages Can Be Forfeited By Resignation in California

In Schachter v. Citigroup, Inc.,1 the California Supreme Court rejected claims that an incentive plan

November 4, 2009

Staffing Companies Face Potential Exposure For Interview Time

If this decision is upheld and/or adopted by state courts in California or elsewhere, staffing companies

October 23, 2009

The U.S. Department of Labor Urges Second Circuit to Deny FLSA Overtime Exemptions to Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives

On October 14, 2009, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) filed an amicus brief in a case pending

October 21, 2009

DYSFUNCTION JUNCTION: What the State Capital Produced for California Private Sector Employers in 2009.

As presaged by its actions at the end of 2008, the California Legislature in 2009 was justifiably preoccupied

October 13, 2009

Mortgage Lender's Reasonable Reliance on DOL Opinion Letter Constitutes Good Faith

On September 30, 2009, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, in Henry
