Your search returned 2167 results.

June 17, 2010

Work-Life Balance Award Act Fails

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives failed to approve the Work-Life Balance Award Act (H.R. 4855),

June 17, 2010

Quon Decision Provides Useful Guidance for Private Employers While Skirting Broad Pronouncements on Employee Privacy Rights

As anticipated in Littler's Workplace Privacy Counsel's blog post describing the oral argument before

June 17, 2010

NLRB Cannot Act with Only Two Members, Supreme Court Holds

Potentially invalidating hundreds of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or “Board”) decisions,

June 17, 2010

Hospital Nurse Staffing Level Bill Proposed in Congress

The federal government and nurses unions have recently increased their focus on nurse-to-patient ratios

June 15, 2010

Oregon’s Job Applicant Fairness Act Update - BOLI Issues Final Rules

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) issued final rules to implement restrictions on an employer's

June 15, 2010

Long-Awaited "Grandfathered" Regulations Released: Top 11 Things to Know

Employers have anxiously awaited the release of the interim final rules (pdf) relating to “grandfathered”

June 11, 2010

IRS Releases Updated Form 941 for Use in Obtaining HIRE Act Exemption

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has made available on its website a revised Form 941, (pdf) the Employer’s

June 10, 2010

NLRB Seeks Input on Electronic and Internet Voting for Union Recognition Elections

On June 9, 2010, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or “Board”) made a move wholly consistent

June 10, 2010

Senate Version of Extender Bill Eliminates Pension Fee Disclosure Provision

On Tuesday, the Senate resumed consideration of the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act (H.R.
