Your search returned 259 results.

January 24, 2014

Fifth Circuit: Employee Who Violated Noncompete Portion of ERISA Plan Not Entitled to Benefits

On January 10, 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed a lower court’s determination

November 14, 2013

California Appellate Court Clarifies Scope of UTSA Preemption

On October 15, 2013, California’s Fourth Appellate District held that claims for breach of contract,

November 8, 2013

Arizona Court of Appeals Decision Will Cause Employers to Reevaluate Restrictive Covenants Contained in Employment Agreements

On October 17, 2013, in Orca Communications Unlimited v. Noder, Pitch Public Relations, the Arizona Court

September 25, 2013

Virginia Supreme Court Reverses Dismissal of Non-Compete Case, Emphasizing Need for Case-by-Case Analysis

In Assurance Data, Inc. v. John Malyevac, No. 121989 (Sept. 12, 2013), the Supreme Court of Virginia

August 29, 2013

New Jersey Opinion Calls Into Question Use of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to Prosecute Disloyal Employee In Third Circuit

Although the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) is mainly a criminal statute designed to prevent hacking,

July 15, 2013

Connecticut's Governor Vetoes Restrictive Non-Compete Bill Due to Lack of Clarity

On Friday, July 12, 2013, Connecticut's Governor Dannel P. Malloy vetoed a bill that would have restricted

July 15, 2013

Connecticut's Governor Vetoes Restrictive Non-Compete Bill Due to Lack of Clarity

On Friday, July 12, 2013, Connecticut’s Governor Dannel P. Malloy vetoed a bill that would have restricted

June 24, 2013

New Connecticut Law Restricts the Use of Non-Compete Agreements in Acquisitions and Mergers

On the final day of the most recent Connecticut legislative session, the General Assembly passed a bill

June 12, 2013

Recent Decisions Provide Guidance on Drafting Noncompetition Agreements under Massachusetts Law

Your Vice President of Sales announces that she is leaving to work for your biggest competitor.  She
