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December 18, 2015

High Court Again Finds a California Court Failed to Place Arbitration Agreements on Equal Footing With Other Contracts

A recent Supreme Court decision indicates it will not necessarily accept a state court’s claim that generally applicable principles of contract law preclude enforcement of an agreement governed by the FAA.

December 16, 2015

Oregon Supreme Court Case Reminds Businesses about the Complexity of Independent Contractor Classification

A recent decision by the Oregon Supreme Court demonstrates that classifying workers as either employees or independent contractors can be complicated and difficult.

December 16, 2015

Beyond “Ban the Box” – Philadelphia Makes Sweeping Changes to Criminal Records Screening Ordinance

Mayor Michael Nutter signed sweeping amendments to Philadelphia’s so-called “ban the box” law, the Philadelphia Fair Criminal Records Screening Ordinance.

December 14, 2015

Social Gatherings and Social Media this Holiday Season – What's Not to "Like"?

What happens when you mix office holiday parties with social media? Employers face new risks and concerns in this digital age.

December 11, 2015

Minimum Wages, Maximum Challenges in 2016 (2017, 2018 . . .)

This article will discuss minimum wage changes that will occur in 2016 and subsequent years.

December 11, 2015

Workplace Violence Prevention in the Age of the ‘Active Shooter’

While employers should take prudent measures to protect workplaces, employers should not overreact or impose drastic measures that are disproportionate to the actual risk, are unnecessarily costly, or are likely to be ineffective.

December 8, 2015

Japan: Amendment to Worker Dispatch Act

Japan recently amended the Worker Dispatch Act, simplifying regulations governing temporary workers (“dispatch workers”).

December 8, 2015

Agencies Issue Final Rules Governing Contractor Minimum Wage, Whistleblower Protections

On December 4, 2015, three federal agencies published final rules implementing the Executive Order establishing a minimum wage for contractors, and finalizing a statutory pilot program to enhance whistleblower protections for contractor employees.

December 7, 2015

President Obama's Order "Banning the Box" for Federal Employees is an Important Reminder to Review Hiring Policies

Last month, President Obama announced a new mandate to the federal government's human resources department to "delay inquiries into criminal history until later in the hiring process."

December 4, 2015

Canada: New Employer Compliance Obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Take Effect January 1, 2016

A number of employment requirements set forth under the Integrated Accessibility Standards (“IAS”) will become effective on January 1, 2016.
