Your search returned 1627 results.

July 23, 2010

New Jersey Federal District Court Holds Pharmaceutical Sales Reps Exempt

On July 19, 2010, in Jackson v. Alpharma Inc., the United States District Court for the District of New

July 21, 2010

Ninth Circuit Rejects Texas Choice of Law Provision in Independent Contractor Agreement

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently rejected a Texas corporation’s argument that drivers who

July 16, 2010

U.S. Department of Transportation Proposes Exemption for Drivers Transporting Ammonia

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMSCA”) recently announced its intent to grant

July 12, 2010

Second Circuit Finds Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Non-Exempt

On July 6, 2010 the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in In re Novartis Wage and Hour Litigation

July 9, 2010

New Jersey Proposes to Bring its "Rounding" Rules into Conformity with Federal Regulations

Back in April, we reported that the Division of Wage and Hour Compliance at the New Jersey Department

July 6, 2010

Are Your Recruiters Exempt or Non-Exempt? Recent Court Cases Scrutinize Staffing Industry Classification Practices

Recently, a California appeals court sent shockwaves through the staffing industry when it ruled in Pellegrino

July 6, 2010

Nevada & Illinois Increase Minimum Wage as of July 1, 2010

The Nevada Labor Commissioner announced that, effective July 1, 2010, Nevada’s minimum wage increased

June 28, 2010

Massachusetts Overtime Law May Apply to Employees Who Work Outside the State

A court recently held that the Massachusetts overtime law, Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 151 § 1A, may apply to

June 23, 2010

Department of Labor Issues Interpretation Narrowing Clothes-Changing Exclusion and Expanding Scope of Compensable Workday

Over the last several years, public and private employers have faced an increasing number of lawsuits

June 18, 2010

Oregon Amends Administrative Rules for Wage Claims

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) has amended its administrative rules pertaining to minimum
