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August 20, 2019

Overview of European Works Councils

This podcast is a high-level discussion of this common European workplace structure.

August 12, 2019

Ontario, Canada: Courts Continue to Recognize Intermediate Category of Worker

Recent case law on the distinction between an employee and independent contractor for wrongful dismissal purposes would suggest that even if the court does not find the individual to be an employee, it might nonetheless apply an intermediate status.

August 12, 2019

Ontario, Canada: Enforcing Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation Clauses

When are noncompetition and nonsolicitation clauses enforceable in Canada? A recent Ontario decision examined these clauses in the context of an employment agreement.

August 7, 2019

Puerto Rico Supreme Court Holds Act 2’s Counterclaim Bar Does Not Preclude Employer’s Independent Suit

The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico has held that Act No. 2, which bars an employer from filing a counterclaim against the employee under an expedited adjudication process, does not preclude an employer from filing a separate and independent action.

August 6, 2019

Ontario, Canada: Appellate Court Decides Employee Rights to Shares on Termination Governed by Shareholders’ Agreement

In a recent case, the Court of Appeal for Ontario decided that an employee’s right to purchase shares of his employer’s parent corporation under a Shareholders’ Agreement would be governed by that agreement, including upon termination of his employment.

August 5, 2019

The Mexican Ministry of Labor Issues Protocol for the Legitimization of Existing Collective Bargaining Agreements, Requiring Employee Ratification Vote

On July 31, 2019, the Mexican Ministry of Labor issued the Protocol for the Legitimization of existing Collective Bargaining Agreements, which will require all unions in Mexico to revisit employee support for any existing collective bargaining agreement.

August 5, 2019

La Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión social emite el Protocolo para la Legitimación de Contratos Colectivos Existentes

El 31 de julio de 2019, se publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el Protocolo para la Legitimación de Contratos Colectivos de Trabajo existentes.

August 5, 2019

GDPR Certification Is Coming to the UK…

Want a certificate for all your hard work on GDPR? Later this year, “certification” will come into effect as a way for both data controllers and processors subject to UK data protection laws to demonstrate compliance with the GDPR.

August 1, 2019

UK Supreme Court Revises Test for Evaluating Post-termination Restrictions

To much fanfare and the great excitement of many employment lawyers, the UK Supreme Court recently delivered its first judgment on employment post-termination restrictions for a century.

July 31, 2019

Highest Court in Canada Says Substance, not Form, will Determine Independent Contractor or Employee Status

A recent Supreme Court of Canada decision considered whether a franchisee who entered into a franchise agreement with a franchisor was an employee or an independent contractor.
