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June 22, 2020

Employers in Puerto Rico: Don’t forget to renew your Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy

As always, employers must prepare to file paperwork to secure workers’ compensation coverage for the upcoming policy year. This year, however, employers should bear in mind that employees who are teleworking must be considered as a different risk.

June 22, 2020

Venezuela: National and Local Governments Publish New Standards on Biosecurity

The Venezuelan government has extended its State of Alert to July 11, 2020 and published biosecurity standards for businesses that are permitted to reopen. The standards require face coverings, social distancing, disinfection and other protocols for the w

June 22, 2020

Venezuela: Gobiernos Nacional y Local Publican Nuevas Normas en Bioseguridad

Conforme con el gobierno venezolano, las empresas deben cumplir de forma estricta con las recomendaciones de bioseguridad para permanecer abiertas y brindar sus servicios.

June 17, 2020

Canada: COVID-19 and Relief from Mass Termination Rules

Canadian businesses have suffered severe financial distress due to COVID-19. Many employers have been forced to lay off their employees hoping they would only be required to do so temporarily.

June 17, 2020

United Kingdom: Further Updates and FAQs on the UK Furlough Scheme

The UK government announced measures to help workers and employers, including a Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. This article - updated June 17, 2020 - summarises the grant, which is available to all UK employers, based on current guidance.

June 12, 2020

Ontario, Canada: Stage 2 Reopening Begins on a Regional Basis

Following the successful initial loosening of public health measures in Stage 1, Ontario is taking a regional approach to Stage 2 reopening, which will begin on June 12, 2020.

June 11, 2020

Bill C-17 Proposes Changes to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)

The Canadian federal government has introduced Bill C-17, An Act respecting additional COVID-19 measures, for first reading. If passed in its current form, Bill C-17 would, among other things, make changes to the CEWS and the CERB.

June 10, 2020

COVID-19 and Work Refusals as Canada Reopens: Legal and Practical Considerations

Although Canadian employers that provide essential services have remained open since the first days of the COVID-19 pandemic, other employers were required to close their physical operations.

June 10, 2020

The Netherlands: Employers Need Not “Wake Up” Dormant Employees

The Dutch Supreme Court issued a decision on whether “dormant employment” arrangements were permissible. The Rotterdam District Court recently issued a ruling on whether a “good employer” has to tell employees about this decision.

June 4, 2020

Ontario, Canada: COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool Recently Updated

On May 27, 2020, Ontario updated its COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool (Tool), which was originally launched in March 2020.
