Your search returned 2780 results.

March 13, 2018

Sixth Circuit Clarifies Discrimination Pleading Burden and Liability Related to Title IX Sexual Misconduct Investigations

A recent 6th Circuit decision provides both comfort and caution for universities facing claims of discrimination or bias in the conduct of their disciplinary proceedings relating to sexual misconduct.

March 12, 2018

California Supreme Court Determines How Flat Sum Bonuses Factor into Overtime Calculation

The California Supreme Court recently decided the question of how an employee’s overtime pay rate should be calculated when the employee has earned a flat sum bonus during a single pay period.

March 8, 2018

Certainty is on the Horizon for the New York Home Care Industry

The NY Court of Appeals will consider whether home care attendants working 24-hour shifts employed by third-party agencies must be paid for every hour of their shift, with no deductions for meal or sleep periods.

March 5, 2018

Massachusetts Attorney General Publishes Long-Anticipated Guidance on the Revised Pay Equity Law

The Massachusetts Attorney General has recently published an Overview and Frequently Asked Questions regarding the amendment to the Massachusetts Equal Pay Act, set to take effect on July 1, 2018.

February 28, 2018

Employers Prevail in FCRA Class Actions

The FCRA is not a classic employment law, but regulates the procurement and use of background checks by employers. The plaintiffs’ bar has been flooding the courts with class action lawsuits asserting technical violations of the FCRA's requirements.

February 16, 2018

The EEOC Phoenix District Office Challenges Releases Waiving Future Financial Liability for Discrimination Claims

A recent settlement shows that the EEOC continues, from time to time, to take the position in litigation that an employee’s private release may not waive the employee’s right to receive future financial relief in an EEOC discrimination action.

February 14, 2018

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat: Pay Equity Initiatives Flood the State Legislatures

In 2017, legislatures in more than 40 U.S. jurisdictions considered over 100 bills intended to narrow the lingering pay gap. While only a handful of those proposals ultimately became law, this wave shows no signs of subsiding.

February 13, 2018

Canada Announces Two New Initiatives To Hold Companies Accountable For Human Rights Violations Abroad

The Canadian Government recently announced two new initiatives to “strengthen Canada’s approach to responsible business conduct for Canadian companies doing business and operating abroad.”

February 6, 2018

Proposed Act Seeks to Require Large Companies Operating in Australia to Report on Modern Slavery

The Australian Government has announced plans to release draft legislation proposing the introduction of a “modern slavery in supply chains” reporting requirement.

February 1, 2018

How Can Employers Compete with this Sporting Trifecta? The Super Bowl, Olympics, and March Madness Approach

Employers might want to think ahead about how to handle common workplace issues that can arise during popular sporting events.
