With the deadline for gender pay gap reporting in the UK having just passed, we explore some of the broader pay gap reporting, pay equity and pay transparency developments, and predict how these wider external influences may lead to future change.
On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, the EU member states in the EU Parliament voted in favor of the European Supply Chain Directive (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive – CSDDD). This is one of the final steps in a long legislative process.
The Global Guide Quarterly (GGQ) is a newsletter Littler publishes on a quarterly basis to provide a general update on global labor and employment (L&E) law developments in key countries in the American, EMEA, and APAC regions.
Belgian labor courts, confronted with claims from employees for overtime pay, are torn between their obligation to follow the European Working Time Directive and their concern not to encroach on the powers of the legislature.