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September 4, 2018

California Countdown 2018: Which Labor and Employment Bills Will the Governor Sign?

As always, the long list of bills crossing Governor Brown’s desk includes numerous labor and employment items that could impact the operations of private employers in the Golden State. This article summarizes key bills worth watching.

September 4, 2018

Hit the Pause Button: The Implications of Recording in the Workplace

Given the controversies in the news, employers might be wondering when recording is legal and what policies they can lawfully implement on recording in the workplace.

August 30, 2018

New Amendment May Soon Affect FCRA Pre-Adverse Action Notice Requirements

While some may contend that an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act imposes additional notice duties for employers, that argument does not appear to withstand scrutiny.

August 21, 2018

Texas Two-Step: San Antonio Joins Austin in Mandating Paid Sick and Safe Leave; Then Court Enjoins Austin Law from Taking Effect During Appeal

On August 16, 2018, the San Antonio City Council adopted a paid sick and safe leave ordinance which, aside from minor linguistic differences, is identical to the ordinance passed earlier this year in Austin.

August 10, 2018

Victory for NYU After First Trial in the 401(k) Fee Cases Filed Against Colleges and Universities

On July 31, 2018, a New York federal court issued an opinion in favor of NYU, in the first case to reach trial concerning ERISA challenges to fees and investment lineups in school retirement plans.

August 7, 2018

New California Wildfires a Reminder of Employer Obligations

This article summarizes some of the key labor and employment issues that may arise in the near term for businesses affected by recent California wildfires.

August 6, 2018

UK Adopts New Trade Secret Regulations: Are Your Trade Secrets Protected?

Imagine you’ve just found out that one of your ex-employees has joined a competitor and has shared your most important trade secret with them. What legal protection do you have?

July 27, 2018

The Sexual Harassment Problem in the Food and Hospitality Industries

Given the risks inherent in the food and hospitality industries, as well as the spotlight #MeToo has shone on different industries’ policies and practices, food and hospitality employers should pay particular attention to harassment complaints.

July 26, 2018

UK Supreme Court Finds Leaks in Pimlico's Independent Contractor Model

The United Kingdom Supreme Court recently held that an individual who worked for Pimlico Plumbers as an “independent contractor” was in fact a “worker.”

July 25, 2018

Working Time and Commutes in France

France’s labor code does not ordinarily consider an employee’s commute as effective working time. When the commute’s length surpasses the usual trip between one's home and the workplace, however, the employee must be compensated with either time or money.
