Your search returned 1627 results.

June 26, 2013

Two Recent Decisions Expand Scope of Massachusetts Wage Act

Two recent appellate decisions in Massachusetts further expand the reach of the state’s Payment of

June 25, 2013

Another Federal Court Discredits the Use of Representative Evidence in Class Actions

A federal court in Illinois decertified a class action of cable installation and service technicians,

June 20, 2013

Fifth Circuit Decides: Nonexempt Route Delivery Driver or an Exempt Outside Salesman?

In Meza v. Intelligent Mexican Marketing, a welcome decision for employers, the Fifth Circuit Court of

June 17, 2013

Do New Massachusetts Supreme Court Decisions on Class-Action Waivers in Arbitration Agreements Foreshadow the U.S. Supreme Court's Anticipated Amex Decision?

Two recent decisions by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (“SJC”) illustrate the application

June 14, 2013

Massachusetts Independent Contractor Law May Apply to Workers Outside Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently held that the Massachusetts Independent Contractor

June 11, 2013

Supreme Court Upholds Decision Approving Class Action Arbitration

Yesterday, in Oxford Health Plans LLC v. Sutter, the United States Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion

June 5, 2013

Second Circuit Vacates and Remands Certification in Misclassification Class Action

In an unpublished opinion, the Second Circuit vacated the Southern District of New York’s order in

June 4, 2013

New York Federal Court Holds that Unsupported Assertions Are Insufficient to Conditionally Certify a Misclassification Collective Action

In another welcome decision for employers, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York

June 4, 2013

Massachusetts Federal Court Provides Important Reminders for Challenging FLSA Collective Actions

In two companion orders in Pruell v. Caritas Christi, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts

June 3, 2013

New York Minimum Wage Will Increase Annually Starting December 31, 2013

On March 29, 2013, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that will raise the minimum hourly
