Your search returned 1055 results.

Littler Report
April 1, 2005

Strategic Initiatives for the World at Work

On the tails of 9/11, Madrid bombings and other terrorists' acts as well as the Enron, Tyco, HealthSouth

January 19, 2005

Makeup Rule Upheld By Ninth Circuit

On December 28, 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision affirmed the dismissal of

January 11, 2005

The Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act Presents Thorny Issues for Some California Employers

California 's expanded domestic partnership law, Assembly Bill 205, goes into effect January 1, 2005.

September 29, 2004

The Wedding Cake Falls: An Update on Same-Sex Marriage and Domestic Partner Issues After the San Francisco Marriage Decision

Ruling in a pair of cases challenging the issuance of same-sex marriage licenses by the City and County

July 11, 2004

Dukes v. Wal-Mart: A Foreboding Class Certification Decision for Employers

On June 21, 2004, a federal district court in San Francisco certified a nationwide class of approximately

June 17, 2004

New Domestic Partnership Act Affects New Jersey Employers

The New Jersey Domestic Partnership Act (“the DPA”), which takes effect on July 11, 2004, was enacted

April 15, 2004

Same-Sex Marriage Adds to Employers' Challenges under New California Domestic Partner Laws

Recent moves toward legal recognition of same-sex marriage in two Canadian provinces and Massachusetts,
