Your search returned 1627 results.

May 16, 2014

Minnesota Women's Economic Security Act Becomes Law

This week, Minnesota passed the Women’s Economic Security Act (WESA), a nine-part law intended to break

May 16, 2014

Courts Continue to Be Split on Class Certification in Unpaid Intern Cases

In the most recent development in the wave of wage and hour class and collective actions by unpaid interns,

May 6, 2014

Pennsylvania Federal Court Denies Conditional Certification in Two Cases Finding No Common Proof

In Banks v. RadioShack Corporation, three sales associates filed a putative collective action alleging

April 28, 2014

Senate Confirms David Weil as New Wage and Hour Administrator

The revised Senate rule allowing certain presidential nominations to be confirmed with a simple majority

April 23, 2014

California District Court Re-Certifies Chinese Daily News Wage and Hour Class Action After Second Trip To Ninth Circuit

On April 15, 2014, in Wang v. Chinese Daily News, Inc., a California federal district court re-certified

April 8, 2014

California Court of Appeal Holds Employers Must Establish Interstate Commerce for FAA Preemption

In Lane v. Francis Capital Mgmt. LLC (Cal. Ct. App. Mar. 11, 2014), a California Court of Appeal held

April 1, 2014

Sixth Circuit Holds Expired Contract's Arbitration Provision Enforceable

Is an arbitration clause enforceable if it is in an expired contract and the parties omitted it from

March 28, 2014

Eleventh Circuit Is the Latest Federal Appellate Court to Enforce Arbitration Agreements with Class Action Waivers

The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit became the latest federal appellate court

March 26, 2014

Seventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Donning and Doffing Suit by Unionized Workers

In Mitchell v. JCG Industries and Koch Foods, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed, in a two

March 26, 2014

Seventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Donning and Doffing Suit by Unionized Workers

In Mitchell v. JCG Industries and Koch Foods, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed, in a two
