Your search returned 47 results.

August 11, 2023

Texas Governor Signs Preemption Bill, CROWN Act, and Other Legislation into Law

The Texas legislature meets only for approximately six months every other year. This session, many bills signed into law impact employers.

May 17, 2023

Canada Passes Modern Slavery Act

On May 11, 2023, Canada passed An Act to enact Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff.

February 23, 2023

Business and Human Rights for Small Companies – What is the Impact of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act on the Supplier Side?

The new German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act imposes new obligations on larger companies, which must, among other things, check their entire supply chain for violations of human rights and environmental concerns.

January 17, 2023

Ontario, Canada Court Addresses Statutory Tort of Human Trafficking in Labour Context

In Osmani v. Universal Structural Restorations Ltd., 2022 ONSC 6979, an Ontario court was the first to consider a claim for damages for the statutory tort of human trafficking under the Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking Act (PRHTA).

November 22, 2022

New York to Require Human Trafficking Recognition Training for Certain Hospitality Employees

New York State Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed into law eight pieces of legislation designed to combat human trafficking.

October 28, 2022

Canada’s Proposed Modern Slavery Act Would Impose Significant Annual Reporting Obligations on Certain Private-Sector Entities

The Modern Slavery Act would require certain government institutions and private-sector entities to report annually on measures they have taken to prevent and reduce the risk that they or their supply chains are using forced or child labour.

October 11, 2022

Recent Human Rights Due Diligence Law Developments in the European Union, Switzerland, and Japan

National and supranational legislatures continue to develop laws requiring employers to conduct due diligence of their operations and those of their business partners in order to address human rights risks such as forced labor and child labor.

February 14, 2022

The Fashion Industry Meets Human Rights Due Diligence: New York’s Proposed “Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act”

In January 2022, the New York State Senate introduced a bill that seeks to impose significant human rights and environmental due diligence and disclosure obligations on fashion retail sellers and manufacturers operating in the state of New York.

January 3, 2022

U.S. Enacts Law Barring Products Made With Forced Labor in China

On December 23, 2021, President Biden signed into law the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which bars the importation into the United States of products made from forced labor in the Xinjiang region of China.

October 28, 2021

Europe and Canada Seek to Mandate Human Rights Due Diligence and Transparency Obligations on Companies and Their Global Partners

This year has seen a number of international and regional legislative efforts imposing human rights due diligence and transparency obligations on multinational employers.
