August 18, 2008

Enforcing a Ban on Political Activity Over Your Corporate Network Risks Violating the NLRA

Many employers include in their electronic resources policy a blanket prohibition on “engaging in any

August 13, 2008

Can a Bumper Sticker Get You Bumped? NLRB's General Counsel Issues Guidelines on Political Advocacy

BackgroundEmployers across the country were suddenly forced to address the issue of political advocacy

August 8, 2008

EEOC Issues New Compliance Assistance on Religious Discrimination

IntroductionOn July 22, 2008, "[i]n response to an increase in charges of religious discrimination, increased

August 4, 2008

The Second Circuit Reinforces the Right of Property Owners to Exclude Nonemployee Union Organizers from Their Premises

On July 18, 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued a favorable decision

August 1, 2008

What To Do About Corporate "Twitter"?

Some companies, like on-line retailer, are sponsoring corporate twitter sites. What is “twitter”? According

July 30, 2008

Important EEO Data Filing Deadlines Are Fast Approaching

Employers should be focusing their attention now on three government-imposed data filing deadlines that

July 29, 2008

EU's Highest Court Rules Speech Constitutes Employment Discrimination

In a ruling issued on July 10, 2008, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the court charged

July 28, 2008

A Ray of Hope: California Court of Appeal Decides Compliance with Meal Period Obligations Requires an Opportunity, Not a Guarantee

The eagerly-awaited Brinker Restaurant Corporation v. Superior Court, No. D049331 (July 22, 2008) decision

July 28, 2008

Tuberculosis In The Workplace

Employee enters your office, shakes your hand, coughs, and then sits in your chair to tell you that he
