January 29, 2020

St. Louis Enacts Ban-the-Box Ordinance Applicable to Private Employers

The City of St. Louis, Missouri enacted a ban-the-box ordinance prohibiting employers within the city from basing promotions or hiring decisions on an individual’s criminal history or a related sentence. The ordinance will take effect January 1, 2021.

January 29, 2020

Coronavirus: Employer Action Items

Companies whose employees travel to China, whether on business or for personal reasons, are properly concerned about safety and what they should be doing in the face of the coronavirus emergency.

January 28, 2020

Illinois Employers Are Due for a Check-Up: 2020 Paid Sick Leave Updates

Just as Bears fans are already looking to next season, employers with Illinois operations should look further afield to determine whether and how local (or possibly statewide) paid sick leave changes later in 2020 could affect them.

January 28, 2020

Requesting and Providing Employee References in the Netherlands – A Risky Business!

On December 13, 2019, the Dutch Supreme Court provided clarity on the issue of giving references for former employees. This article discusses points to consider when requesting and providing references, given the developing case law.

January 28, 2020

New Jersey Amends its Wage Statement Requirements

Among the 153 bills Governor Phil Murphy signed into law on January 21, 2020 was Senate Bill 1791, which amends the New Jersey Wage Payment Law to require employers to provide additional information on employees’ wage statements.

January 28, 2020

Littler’s Chief Knowledge Officer and Cornell Law Students Discuss How Hands-on Tech Training Enhances the Practice of Law

This podcast covers how technology can make the legal practice more efficient, less expensive, and more accessible for more people.

January 27, 2020

New Mexico Supreme Court Holds Tribal Casino Immune from Workers’ Compensation Claims

The New Mexico Supreme Court has held that a tribe does not waive its sovereign immunity to workers’ compensation claims merely by committing in a tribal gaming compact to establish a workers’ compensation program.

January 27, 2020

New Jersey Enacts Legislative Package to Add Teeth to Worker Misclassification Laws

Seeking to tighten worker misclassification enforcement in New Jersey, on January 20, 2020, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law a package of legislation regarding independent contractors.

January 27, 2020

Ontario, Canada: Employee’s Excessive Absences to Pursue Education Need Not be Tolerated by Employer

A recent decision suggests that adjudicators will consider it justifiable when an employer fires an employee whose absences are more frequent than permitted under a reasonable Absenteeism Policy, even if the absences involve a respectable activity.

January 27, 2020

New York Releases FAQs on Statewide Salary History Ban

Recently, the New York Department of Labor released a series of Frequently Asked Questions to clarify changes to New York state law that prohibit employer inquiries into the salary history of applicants and employees, which took effect on January 6, 2020.
