March 8, 2011

HHS' One-Two HIPAA Penalty Punch Sends a Message to Employers and Providers

Two days after announcing its first-ever HIPAA penalty, a whopping $4.3 million imposed against Cignet

March 8, 2011

Is it Really Illegal to Require an Applicant or Employee to Disclose her Password to a "Friends-Only" Facebook Page?

Recently, the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland tried to publicly embarrass the Maryland Department

March 8, 2011

Overtime Class Action May Go Forward Despite Arbitration Clause, District Court Rules

A recent decision by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York illustrates the impact

March 7, 2011

United Kingdom: Border Agency Updates Occupation Codes of Practice for Sponsored Skilled Workers

The UK Border Agency has announced its annual update to the occupation codes of practice for sponsored

March 4, 2011

Legislative Push for Immigration Reform Continues in Arizona

Arizona legislators continue to press forward with immigration-related proposals. State Senate President

March 3, 2011

Florida Judge Orders Stay of His Decision Finding Affordable Care Act Invalid

A little over a month after declaring the entire health care reform law unlawful, Florida District Court

March 3, 2011

Agreement to Include Overtime in Salary Trumps California Labor Code (Surprise)!

Carlos Arechiga may have been, as the trial court found, ecstatic when he was first told that he would

March 3, 2011

House Votes to Repeal Expanded 1099 Reporting Requirements

On Thursday, the House of Representatives approved by a 314-112 margin the Small Business Paperwork Mandate

March 3, 2011

California Court of Appeal Holds That Insurance Adjusters Are Exempt-Thereby Limiting The Decision In Bell v. Farmers Insurance Exchange

Ten years ago, in Bell v. Farmers Insurance Exchange, 87 Cal. App. 4th 805 (2001), the California Court

March 3, 2011

House Votes to Repeal Expanded 1099 Reporting Requirements

On Thursday, the House of Representatives approved by a 314-112 margin the Small Business Paperwork Mandate
