December 27, 2006

Attorneys Hired By Employers in New Jersey To Investigate Complaints Of Workplace Harassment May Be Sued By Complainant

In a case of great significance to attorneys hired by employers to investigate claims of workplace harassment

December 22, 2006

Just In Time For the Holidays - Changes In Health Savings Account Rules Under the New Health Opportunity Patient Empowerment Act of 2006

On December 20, 2006 President Bush signed into law H.R. 6408, the new Tax Relief and Health Care Act

December 15, 2006

Arizona Adopts Sweeping Wage Reforms (Proposition 202)

In the recent November elections, Arizonans voted in favor of a ballot initiative to increase the minimum

December 13, 2006

Year-End Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Checklist

Employers sponsoring retirement plans and deferred compensation arrangements should be mindful of certain

December 5, 2006

IRS Provides Guidance For Employers That Use Smart Cards And Debit Cards To Provide Transportation Fringe Benefits To Employees

The IRS has just released Revenue Ruling 2006-57, which provides employers guidance on the use of smart

December 1, 2006

Employers' New Headache: SF's Paid Sick Leave Law

On November 7, San Francisco voters approved the first law in the nation mandating that employers provide

November 21, 2006

Effects in the Workplace of the Expansion of Nevada's Smoking Restrictions

IntroductionOn November 7, 2006, the voters of Nevada continued the nationwide trend toward the establishment

November 16, 2006

The Nevada Constitutional Minimum Wage

IntroductionOn November 7, 2006, the voters of six states passed ballot initiatives to raise the state

November 15, 2006

At Long Last - Done!: The FEHC Releases Final Regulations on A.B. 1825 Compliance

At its November 14, 2006 meeting, the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission concluded an

November 14, 2006

DOL Clarifies Requirements for "Bona Fide" Termination of H-1B Visa Holders

On September 29, 2006, the Administrative Review Board (ARB) of the Department of Labor (DOL) promulgated
