On December 12, 2017, Mexico’s Labor Ministry published in the Official Gazette of the Federation operating guidelines for its new online compliance system for employers to report their compliance with the labor law.
Prince George’s County, Maryland has enacted a new law requiring that covered employees be allowed to accrue and use paid leave for absences connected to domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Two days before the end of Chairman Philip Miscimarra’s term, the new Republican majority at the National Labor Relations Board continued its shift in labor policy and issued yet another reversal of significant Obama-era precedent.
The NLRB recently established a new standard for evaluating the validity of employer rules, policies, and handbook provisions under the National Labor Relations Act.
The Trump administration's Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions ("regulatory agenda"), released on December 14, 2017, indicates agencies are taking a hard look at existing rules, and treading lightly with new ones.
The Puerto Rico Treasury has issued a Q&A document to help clarify its Administrative Determination granting temporary income tax exemption for certain hurricane-related disaster assistance payments.