December 11, 2014

NLRB Says Employees Have a Right to use Employer's Email for Section 7 Activity under Certain Circumstances

In a 3-2 split decision along party lines, the National Labor Relations Board has held that employees

December 9, 2014

San Francisco Ordinance Imposes New Burdens on 'Formula' Retail Employers

In addition to federal and state laws, San Francisco currently has ten labor and employment laws that

December 9, 2014

San Francisco Imposes New Burdens on Retail Employers

In addition to federal and state laws, San Francisco currently has ten labor and employment laws that

December 8, 2014

Brazil Supreme Court Confirms the Constitutionality of Mandatory Break Before Overtime Work for Women

In an arguably regressive decision issued on November 27, 2014, the Superior Federal Court of Brazil

December 8, 2014

Senate Confirms NLRB Member

In a late afternoon vote, the Senate on Monday confirmed the nomination of Lauren McFerran to serve as

December 8, 2014

Senate Confirms NLRB Member

In a late afternoon vote, the Senate on Monday confirmed the nomination of Lauren McFerran to serve as

December 5, 2014

DOL Issues Final Rule Implementing Executive Order Prohibiting LGBT Discrimination in Government Contracting

On December 3, 2014, the Department of Labor (DOL) released its final rule implementing Executive Order

December 4, 2014

Nevada Supreme Court Adopts Economic Realities Test to Determine Employment Status

Recently, the Nevada Supreme Court in Terry, et al., v. Sapphire Gentlemen's Club, reversed a lower

December 4, 2014

DOL Officials Discuss Misclassification Enforcement, Minimum Wage During Workplace Panel

Officials at the Department of Labor reiterated familiar themes during a panel hosted by the Center for

December 4, 2014

Nevada Supreme Court Adopts Economic Realities Test to Determine Employment Status

Recently, the Nevada Supreme Court in Terry, et al., v. Sapphire Gentlemen's Club, reversed a lower
