Employers now have an enhanced ability to challenge OSHA’s most broadly-enforced regulations, such as the agency’s widely-cited General Duty Clause to issue violations in the absence of a specific standard.
This podcast offers an in-depth discussion about how and why an increasingly contentious election cycle is having such a taxing and divisive impact for so many.
Under current federal law, employers may legally require workers to attend meetings during working hours that concern the employer’s views on politics, religion and similar matters.
The new law is scheduled to take effect immediately and is aimed at prohibiting employers from discharging or disciplining employees who refuse to attend mandatory employer-sponsored meetings.
Different leave eligibility requirements and qualifying circumstances can tangle up even the most experienced HR professionals and leave administrators.
Starting one year from the date of enactment, July 31, 2025, any employer with 25 or more employees within Massachusetts will be required to disclose the pay range for any job posting.