July 27, 2004

Virginia Employers, Employees Unsure of Rights After Day of Rest Law Amended

UPDATE: July 27, 2004On July 2, 2004, a Virginia judge issued a 90-day emergency order to prevent the

July 25, 2004

EEOC Announces Relief For Employers Providing Retiree Health Benefits

On April 22, 2004, the EEOC approved a final rule that would permit employers to provide lesser benefits

July 11, 2004

Dukes v. Wal-Mart: A Foreboding Class Certification Decision for Employers

On June 21, 2004, a federal district court in San Francisco certified a nationwide class of approximately

June 17, 2004

New COBRA Guidance Requires Employers to Overhaul Notices and COBRA Procedures

Just over one year ago, the Department of Labor issued proposed COBRA regulations that contained dramatic

June 17, 2004

New Domestic Partnership Act Affects New Jersey Employers

The New Jersey Domestic Partnership Act (“the DPA”), which takes effect on July 11, 2004, was enacted

June 17, 2004

NLRB Rules That Weingarten Rights No Longer Apply to Non-Union Workforces

On June 9, 2004, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) in IBM Corp., 341 NLRB No. 148, overruled

June 1, 2004

Hostile Environment and Constructive Discharge: When the Employer is Strictly Liable

In a clarification of the application of the affirmative defense first made available in the Court's

May 30, 2004

The Department of Labor's Revised White-Collar Regulations A New Focus in an Uncertain Arena

UPDATE: May 28, 2004The U.S. House of Representatives twice this month voted to table a non-binding resolution

May 1, 2004

Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Workers' Compensation Reform Bill

Recent History Of Workers' Compensation ReformIn recent years, workers' compensation costs have

April 15, 2004

Same-Sex Marriage Adds to Employers' Challenges under New California Domestic Partner Laws

Recent moves toward legal recognition of same-sex marriage in two Canadian provinces and Massachusetts,
