January 11, 2024

Washington State Wildfire Smoke Rules Impose New Employer Requirements

Because wildfire smoke contains a mixture of harmful chemicals and particles, Washington has implemented new wildfire smoke rules, which become effective on January 15, 2024.

January 10, 2024

Mexico: Increase to the UMA Value Announced for 2024

On January 9, 2024, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography published the new values for the Measurement and Updating Unit (Unidad de Medida y Actualización or UMA) that will take effect on February 1, 2024.

January 10, 2024

México: Incremento al valor de la Unidad de Medida y Actualización (UMA) para el 2024

El 9 de enero de 2024, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) publicó los nuevos valores para la Unidad de Medida y Actualización (en adelante “UMA”) que entrarán en vigor el 1 de febrero de 2024.

Littler Report
January 10, 2024

Littler’s Inclusion, Equity and Diversity C-Suite Survey Report

Littler’s Inclusion, Equity and Diversity C-Suite Survey Report gathers insights from more than 320 executives on their organizations’ IE&D commitments and the steps being taken to advance these goals.

January 9, 2024

U.S. Department of Labor Finalizes Independent Contractor Regulation

The U.S. Department of Labor published a final rule on January 9, 2024, defining “independent contractor” under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

January 8, 2024

New York City Council Passes Bill that Would Create a Private Right of Action under the Earned Safe and Sick Time Act

On December 20, 2023, the New York City Council passed a bill (Proposed Int. No. 563-A) that would create a private right of action to seek damages and other relief for violations of New York City’s Earned Safe and Sick Time Act (ESSTA).

January 8, 2024

What Would Overruling Chevron Mean for Labor and Employment Law?

Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases asking whether to overturn Chevron USA, Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council.

January 5, 2024

Littler Lightbulb – December Employment Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments at the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts of appeal in the last two months.

January 5, 2024

Minimum Wage Rises in Poland and Other Central and Eastern Europe Countries

As of January 1, 2024, the monthly minimum wage in Poland increased to $1,060 (PLN 4,242) per month for full-time employees.

January 4, 2024

Cal/OSHA Completes Fast-Track Adoption of Emergency Silica Standard Aimed at Engineered Stone Industry

On December 14, 2023, California’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board approved an emergency temporary standard (ETS) intended to enhance protection of workers from the hazards of respirable crystalline silica.
