In its recent Grand Chamber judgment, the European Court of Human Rights held that employers can monitor an employee's email only if they provide advance notice.
México: El 26 de septiembre del 2017, la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social amplió el periodo de días inhábiles, esto con el fin de permitir que las autoridades inspeccionen las oficinas locales debido al sismo ocurrido el 19 de septiembre del 201
Mexico's Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare expanded the block of days that are deemed as nonworking days, to allow authorities to inspect the damage caused to the local offices, as a result of the eart
On September 22, 2017, the U.S. Department of Education rescinded its April 4, 2011 Dear Colleague Letter regarding sexual assault and its April 29, 2014 Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence.
Mientras siguen los esfuerzos de recuperación tras el terremoto en México, diversas autoridades continúan declarando días inhábiles en medida que los daños se presentándose.
A new bill proposes to add a section to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act containing new state-wide restrictions on an employer’s ability to make pre-hire and personnel decisions based on an individual’s criminal history.