July 24, 2014

Paid Leave, Flexible Work Scheduling Continue to Receive Attention

While the chance of both chambers approving bills this term that would significantly alter workplace

July 24, 2014

Circuits Split Regarding Validity of Federal Subsidies of Health Insurance Purchased on Federally-Established Exchanges

Two federal appeals courts have issued opposing decisions regarding whether the IRS has the authority

July 24, 2014

Six Recent NLRB Cases Provide Further Insight on Structuring Employers' Social Media Policies

Employers, struggling to regulate employees’ work-related social media postings, recently suffered

July 23, 2014

Six Recent NLRB Cases Provide Further Insight on Structuring Employers' Social Media Policies

Employers, struggling to regulate employees’ work-related social media postings, recently suffered

July 23, 2014

Senate Advances Insourcing Bill

Update: Efforts to advance this measure in the Senate failed in a 54-42 vote on July 30. At least 60

July 23, 2014

House Hearing Focuses on Federal Wage & Hour Enforcement

Members of the House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections held a hearing on Wednesday to discuss the

July 22, 2014

Brazil: New Law Expands the Maximum Term for Engaging Temporary Workers

The Ministry of Labor and Employment issued a new regulation (“Portaria 789”) to Federal Law 6.019/74,

July 21, 2014

Illinois Enacts New Law Impacting Inquiries on Criminal Background Checks

On July 19, 2014, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants

July 21, 2014

Illinois Enacts New Law Impacting Inquiries on Criminal Background Checks

On July 19, 2014, 2014, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the Job Opportunities for Qualified

July 21, 2014

Paid Sick Leave, Liens on Employers Still Possible From California Legislature

The California Legislature is now taking its last extended breather of the 2013-2014 legislative session. 
