May 30, 2008

D.C. Passes the Accrued Sick and Safe Leave Act of 2008

Washington, D.C. has become the second city, after San Francisco, to pass a law that requires employers

May 28, 2008

IRS Releases 2009 Health Savings Account Limits

On May 13, 2008, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2008-29, establishing

May 22, 2008

Genetic Antidiscrimination Law Creates New Compliance Challenges for Employers

Nearly seven years after declaring in a Presidential Radio Address that "[g]enetic discrimination is

May 20, 2008

California Supreme Court Opens the Door on Same-Sex Marriage

In a landmark decision, the California Supreme Court held that the state's Constitution guarantees

May 19, 2008

Oregon Supreme Court Puts the 'Breaks' on Rest Period Claims

In a decision that is sure to please Oregon employers, the Oregon Supreme Court, in Gafur v. Legacy Good Samaritan

May 14, 2008

Bargaining Strategies in the Wake of Multiemployer Pension Plan Notices Issued Pursuant to the Pension Protection Act

Introduction: Zone Certification and Notice to Interested PartiesIf you contribute to a multiemployer

May 13, 2008

2008 Washington Legislative Update

The recently concluded 2008 legislative session resulted in the enactment of several new laws that affect

May 6, 2008

Connecticut Employees Can Keep Unearned Commissions Unless Employment Agreement Expressly Requires Repayment of Advances

In a rare decision on compensation issues, the Connecticut Supreme Court has decided that an employee
