October 31, 2002

California's New Legislation Providing for Paid Family and Medical Leave Raises Significant Implementation Questions and Challenges for Employers

The California Legislature has recently adopted a paid family and medical leave program, in the form

August 1, 2002

Employment Law Implications of Corporate Responsibility Legislation

Recent allegations of financial misconduct by major corporations paved the way for the passage and signature

Littler Report
March 26, 2002

The Next Great Trans-Atlantic Voyage: European Laws Protecting Human Resources Data Arrive on America's Shores

Globalization! The much-ballyhooed war cry of American business during the past decade could soon become

March 1, 2002

On July 1, 2002, a New California Law Will Place Additional and Dramatic Limitations Upon a Company's Use of the Social Security Numbers of Customers and Employees

Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the crime of identity theft. Although social security numbers

December 1, 2001

California Appellate Court Holds Federal Affirmative Defense to Sexual Harassment Claims Is Unavailable to Employers Where the Claim Is Brought Under California State Law

On December 3, 2001, the California Court of Appeals issued its decision in Department of Health Services

September 1, 2001

Preventing Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace Based on Religion and National Origin

The tragic events of September 11 have left all Americans feeling unsettled and fearful of their security.
